Looking into thy face

I am Tariq . . . Yousuf . . . Rahman . . .

      I am Saul . . .  Chaim . . . Hallel

        I am Rania . . .  Fatimah . . . Nasrin

I am Aviva . . . Leah . . Rachel

          I am Shi’ite . . . Sunni . . .

      I am Jew . . . Christian  . . .

   I am Buddhist . . .atheist.


I see you with my heart,

dear brother.

I open myself to your glaring gaze.

I know you are an actor,

at some level of your being

responsible and aware

of what you do

And I drink

from the deep well of pain

that drives your action.

In my sleepless hours

I join you

I merge with you

since there is no other.

I will not abandon you

though you send out

our brothers and sisters

wrapped in delusions and destruction.

Please give me

the key to your heart.

Show me the way through

to the land

where we are bothers

and sisters

once again.